Captain Steven A. Givler, USAF
We know that in order to survive, a republic must consist of educated and virtuous citizens. By sending young men and women to a school where they will learn the truth about America, the Patriot Scholarship Fund hopes to ensure that survival.
I firmly believe that our nation's success is due to the grace of God and the wisdom of our founding fathers, who sought to reflect God's relationship to man in the structure of our government. Their radical notion, that we are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights, and that the only legitimate purpose of government is to secure these rights, makes us unique among the nations. The freedom that results from this notion has been the source of our success.
That freedom is in jeopardy, as with each new generation we slip farther from our founders' original intent, and exchange more of our liberties for government control. We must raise our children to understand the value of liberty, and to appreciate what makes our nation different. That is my
purpose in founding the Patriot Scholarship Fund.
A Message from Captain Joshua Lavin, Vice President
"The strength of our great nation has always depended on each new
generation of American citizens and their ability to understand the vision and principles upon which this nation was founded. It is an easy mistake to think our country is a great nation because of our economic and military strength, but the truth is we are a great nation because we have been united by a few simple principles and one clear vision of what America is and can be in the future. Those of us who understand our intended form of government and civil society, as envisioned by our Founding Fathers, realize that there is a whole generation of Americans either ignorant of these principles or believers in today's new politically correct culture. This new politically correct ideology has
become openly hostile to our country's Judeo-Christian and Western
Civilization heritage from which the Declaration of Independence,
Constitution, and Bill of Rights are derived. The vision and principles
that have shaped our society and government for over the last 225 years are in jeopardy of slipping away and its time to educate a new generation of patriots."
Rev. Jason Watson, Grace Presbyterian Church
Montgomery, AL 36117"Our great nation and its form of government is designed to work solely under the Lordship of God almighty. When we as a nation fail to follow His ways, we are guaranteed failure. We must work to preserve our nation as one under God, so that true freedom and liberty can be held by all."